
Monday, June 22, 2009

Tranformer 2 ROTF - Digital Visual Developer

http://www.benprocter.com - Online Portfolio

Jibjab Barack Obama Jibjab - Yes We Can

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Forget the Film, Watch the Titles

You know what they say about first impressions...

That's why both Hollywood and independent studios spend valuable time and resources to create the most appropriate main title sequences for their movies.

Title sequences can be engaging or wildly entertaining, funny, exhilarating, or simply drop dead beautiful. They can be oozing with visual poetry and sophisticated imagery while others hit you hard with their bold and audacious stylistic gestures. And let's face it. Despite what some studios seem to believe, everybody loves a good title sequence, whether it's at the start or at the end of the movie.

The very best title sequences not only succeed in putting the audience in the right mood for the movie (while presenting the key production and cast members), they transcend their proper function and venture off into the realm of something far deeper and far greater. They are the signifiers of contemporary pop culture and an art form in their own right. Just look at the impact of, for example, Kyle Cooper's title sequence for Se7en that has left an indelible mark, not just on film and motion design, but on contemporary visual culture as a whole.

Forget the Film, Watch the Titles was one of the first online resource dedicated to film title design.


Motion Graphics Designer : Malak website

Motion Graphics Designer : Malak website


he has done most of the Al Jazeera Graphics.

Thursday, June 11, 2009